NOA VN CO,.LTD specializes in providing full services accounting in HCMC and neighboring provices




Business Type


(No COGS)   


(Have COGS)




 No Invoice

2.500.000 đ/QTR

 2.500.000 đ/QTR

2.500.000 đ/QTR


From 1 to 15 Inv

4.400.000 đ/QTR

4.600.000 đ/QTR

5.000.000 đ/QTR


From 16 to 30 Inv

6.600.000 đ/QTR

6.800.000 đ/QTR

7.500.000 đ/QTR

4 From 31 to 45 Inv 8.800.000 đ/QTR 9.000.000 đ/QTR 10.000.000 đ/QTR
5 From 46 to 60 Inv 10.800.000 đ/QTR 11.000.000 đ/QTR 12.000.000 đ/QTR
6 From 61 to 75 Inv 12.800.000 đ/QTR 13.000.000 đ/QTR 14.000.000 đ/QTR
7 From 76 to 90 Inv 14.800.000 đ/QTR 15.000.000 đ/QTR 16.000.000 đ/QTR
8 Each next 10 invoices +400.000 đ +400.000 đ +500.000 đ
* The price can change depending on specific condition of each company
** join society, medical, unemployed insurance for staff and other tasks:  Pls contact for details

* Note:

– above price excludes VAT and  fee payable to government.

– above price will change depending on actual businees operation situation.

In a diverse and complex economic environment, many organizations and enterprises are having issues in completing financial statements and performing accounting. Enterprises often face difficulties or confusion while applying accounting standards to reporting practices on their own, leading to time consuming and waste of resources. By choosing a professional consultancy such as NOA VN will help enterprises to save time, resources and ensure all the reports are in accordance with Vietnamese Accounting Standards and International Financial Reporting Standards.

NOA VN also offers services such as:

  • Consolidate and make Financial Statements or Management Reports
  • Review Financial Statements
  • Design, implement and support in operating accounting systems, internal control system
  • Consult in re-setting up of the accounting-financial system to suit the business type of the enterprises
  • Setup and guide the enterprises on making and circulating vouchers, creating and logging account books, gathering costs and calculating product prices, revising, adjusting numbers and closing account books, issue accounting reports in compliance with regulations
  • Registration of accounting system; consult in setting up accounting system in accordance with customer’ activities and requirements
  • Examine the legitimacy and rationality of vouchers and make entries in the account books
  • Consult on cost accounting system
  • Provide bookkeeping services
  • Handling all the issues related to accounting data on behalf of the enterprises
  • Supply accounting staff and chief accountant
  • Provide accounting training services at the enterprises (including financial accounting and management accounting)
Hotine tư vấn miễn phí
0933 135 101
0933 135 101